Dear Pahlavi University Friends,

Four months ago, I entered my 78th birthday. I don’t know how many more years I have in front of me. I have memories encrypted in my mind of my life experiences since I was 4 years old. Among them, the experiences of the first year of my student life in Pahlavi University (PU) and all those days and nights I spent with the six other students whom are still my dearest and best friends, at the house # 11, in Naysari Ave., Ghasrodasht St. are unforgettable and are so vivid and still touching my heart.

One of the things I’m so proud of is enrolling at PU in 1963, the same year that Shiraz University transformed into Pahlavi University. It is my highest honor.

After so many years of studying and teaching at the most accredited Universities in England, Canada, United States and albeit Iran, I came to this conclusion that Pahlavi University was unique in the whole history of higher education in Iran. During the last four decades in Iran, when it comes to the quality of education and the socio cultural climate, no university could be a patch on PU.

We, the PU students are indebted to our university. We could pay our debt in a variety of ways.

We should commit ourselves to take an action in such a way that our children and grandchildren be proud that their parents and their grandparents were students of such an honorable university.

We are grateful and appreciate all the attempts of those who tried so hard to gather the PU students under the two alumni associations in Tehran and Shiraz. Recently I contacted the top managers of these associations and I realized that none of them has a comprehensive list of all PU students – a list which contains the name, the year of enrolment and graduation, the field of study and the contact information. It could be estimated that since 1963, the year that PU was established until February 11th, 1979 that our University was dissolved into Shiraz University, 5000 students were graduated from PU and all are dispersed around the world and Iran. 

I would like to suggest as the first step, we all try to collaborate for providing this list. Every one of us who has PU friends or is a member of a virtual group of PU people, prepare a list of their names and contact information.

The next step would be to prepare a virtual platform for PU people to communicate with each other. At the beginning it may be limited to PU alumni. It will be the first platform to reach out for all PU people.

I wish in the nearest future I see the faces of all PU people in a grand virtual gathering. We all should come to this belief that PU fellows form such a big family, including so many prestigious and great human beings. Being a member of such a family fills my heart with such a joy and honor, I can’t explain.

The new communication technologies have provided such a valuable opportunity for us, we shouldn’t miss.

My request is that, please take my quest seriously and contribute to prepare the list as soon as possible and help me in establishing this platform as far as I’m alive.

The support of any one of you will pave the road towards fulfilling this great ideal.


Homayoon Shahriari.

Entrance year, 1963.

Email, [email protected]