How this network is formed?

On June 29th 2021, Homayoon Shahriari decides that he should provide a solid platform to gather all the Pahlavi University (PU) students and the faculties and the personnel and their families, far beyond the goals of the existing PU alumni associations and all the present groups who are active on the social media. He communicated his idea with his wife –Shahindokht Kharazmi – and some of his PU close friends. Then, on July 2021 in an open letter to a larger group of PU people, he presented the plan he had on his mind to pursue his goal.He received many warm and positive feedbacks and comments far from what he expected. He decides to launch a special social network limited to PU people to pursue his goals. He signed a contract with a professional network expert with whom he had worked in other projects – Mr. Amirgani – to design and create this network and to provide the needed support services. Mr. Amirgani buys a server and a domain for the network. At the same time, Homayoon invites Mrs. Haleh Rezaei and Mr. Hamid Vahidfar to be trained by Mr. Amirgani for managing the network. On August 23rd, he shares his project and the steps to be taken and the services to be provided by the network in an open letter to all PU friends.

Due to the unprecedented problems, the project did not proceed as expected. But. finally the network became ready to be launched on  1401.

Refer to “Calling on all Pahlavi University people”. on this page. 

Refer to “A letter to all PU friends”. August 23rd 2021. On this page

Our code of ethics

Our concern is the network sustainability. We are aware that absorbing creative and innovative ideas and methods to maintain the network as a dynamic system, is the key to our sustainability. We hold this as the governing principle to define our goals, developing our strategies and providing the necessary conditions for technological innovation which is vital to such social networks.
One of the success factors for our network to reach its goals is absorbing the new ideas and technologies on time. Each member of the network and their families, especially the younger generation should commit themselves to maintain the network sustainability through offering innovative ideas and solutions. The network executive management is obliged to find the best ways to attract not only the PU alumni but their families. This is not an easy task. It needs the full collaboration of all members.
Other principles are ethical in nature and are as follows:
• A true sense of belongingness and commitment is required.
• Political debate and argument is not allowed.
• Scientific arguments with no solid base is not supported.
• The use of insulting language of any kind which may hurt other people’s feelings is forbidden.
• Tolerating opposite views and positions is appreciated.
• Prejudices of any kind and illogical prejudgment are not supported.
• Respect for all minorities – gender, religious, ethnic, etc.- is appreciated.
• Effective communication with other members aimed at strengthening the bonds and respect and mutual friendship between people is supported.
With no doubts this code of ethics is open to all members advise, suggestions and critique.

Our Team

Homayoon Shahriari


Shahindokht Kharazmi

Co Founder


Support Team